Charleston 04

The inbetweens are added. I was amazed how smooth the animation flowed with the inbetweens- especially since they’re in such saturated, bright colours. Two frames had half of the drawing switched because the motion and flow looked better. I’ll admit I had to get one of my own shoes as reference so I could draw… Continue reading Charleston 04

Charleston 03

The breakdowns were the next part of this animation. The breakdown poses were in orange to be easily identified from the keyframes. The animation is definitely looking better but has a long way to go. Especially since the next run of breakdowns meant I had to break the joints for the movement to really work.… Continue reading Charleston 03

Charleston 02

After I scanned the planning poses, I scaled them in Sketchbook and outlined them in blue. The green lines and ‘X’s were to help with scaling and the height change during the dance. It’s a short clip but there’s already a lot going on. The final animation will have a black outline but for now… Continue reading Charleston 02