I never expected life would require me to draw a life-sized Scotsman on a piece of cardboard, but here we are.
Instead of the usual pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey party game, due to the theme of the event it was suggested to do a pin-the-sporran-on-the-scotsman instead.
To start with I drew a draft (seen in the bottom left of picture, but unfortunately I didn’t think to photograph it before it got thrown out) using a book on the Scottish clans and kilts as a reference. I used the cover picture as the pose reference and another illustration as the facial features reference.
Before I could draw anything I needed some kind of canvas to draw on. My dad found some promising pieces of cardboard and some styrofoam to glue to the back of it (to ensure when something was pinned it would stay there). Drawing something life-size (possibly 6ft 7) like this meant we had to glue extra pieces to make sure it was wide enough to fit, which it did (but only just. The Scotsman has no elbows).
The picture may look a bit odd but it’s because the photo was flipped around.
The next step is painting it.